
Chamber music concerts – refunds on 2020 cancellations

Chamber music concerts – refunds on 2020 cancellations

We’re pleased to announce that we’re planning a new programme of chamber music concerts.

However, we’re mindful that while some people sought refunds for chamber music concerts that had to be cancelled in 2020, due to the pandemic, a number has not.

So, before we announce the brand new programme, we would like to advise anyone who bought a ticket for a chamber music concert in 2020 and who would like a refund, that they should call into the Old Low Light before 30 November 2022, bringing the ticket with them and they will be recompensed.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to transfer 2020 tickets for places in the new programme, as the concerts will not be like for like replacements and are more expensive than the earlier scheduled events.

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