

9 MARCH 2024

As the first of a series of events during 2024 to mark the bi-centenary of the RNLI, Martin Kenny, formerly coxswain at the Tynemouth lifeboat station for 16 years, will talk about the service and its history, nationally and locally as well as some of his own experiences for which his bravery was commended.

Master mariner Martin, an active volunteer at the Old Low Light will cover the early beginnings of lifeboats, to before 1824 when the RNLI was established, explaining why the service was set up, key points in its history, how it has changed over the years, including the types of boats used, how it is funded and how crews have changed with women now routinely involved in what was once a male domain. He will also reflect on his own involvement as a coxswain from 1986-2002.

£4 / members half price

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We are delighted that Martin Kenny, one of our regular and popular speakers is to share his knowledge of the RNLI, including its history but also some of his own experiences as one of the longest serving coxswains when he retired from the position in 2002.

His illustrated talk will cover the early beginnings of lifeboats, to before 1824 when the RNLI was established, explaining why the service was set up, key points in its history, how it has changed over the years, including the types of boats used, how it is funded and how crews have changed with women now routinely involved in what was once a male domain.

He will also reflect on his days as coxswain from 1986-2002 and some of the rescues he was involved in.

This is the first of a series of events at the Old Low Light Heritage Centre to mark the bi-centenary of the RNLI. On Tuesday 19 March at 1pm, Dorothy Brownlee, one of the early volunteers and a former trustee at the Old Low Light, will talk about the involvement of her grandfather James Brownlee, as second coxswain on Tynemouth RNLI’s Henry Vernon lifeboat and great uncle John Brownlee, as bowman, in the dramatic rescue of 50 people from the hospital ship, the Rohilla, that was wrecked off the coast of Whitby in 2014.

Watch out on @Old_LowLight, on Facebook and for information about further events about the RNLI, including displays.

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